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Anuncio Lanzado Importadores 1.0.1 de XenForo


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Hoy se ha lanzado Importadores 1.0.1 de XenForo como mantenimiento del complemento. Está enfocvado principalmente en la solución de errores:

Algunos de los cambios, son:
  • vBulletin: Only rewrite quotes where a post ID is specified in the quote BB code.
  • vBulletin: Re-implement the blogModerators step and disable the blogUsers step.
  • vBulletin: Prevent errors when importing smilies if there are no smilies to import..
  • vBulletin: Process buddy/ignore lists correctly.
  • vBulletin: Double-encoded strings (usernames, titles etc.) are now not double-encoded
  • General: Importers are now expected to decide for themselves whether each field should have HTML entities decoded or not. You can either do this using EntityEmulator->set($fieldName, $value, [EntityEmulator::UNHTML_ENTITIES => true]) or if the value is not going to automatically pass to convertToUtf8(), you can use convertToUtf8($value, null, true) by calling it directly.
  • General: Fix some mis-titled templates and phrases in the initial release.
Para obtener un listado completo de ellos, véase el foro Errores informados resueltos.

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