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Resultados de búsqueda

  1. XenFacil.com

    Anuncio Upcoming "Insights" webinar series

    To mark the tenth anniversary of the first public XenForo release, we are today announcing an exciting new joint venture with our friends at Audentio. In the near future, we'll be conducting a series of webinars, designed to offer insights into community setup and management with XenForo, to...
  2. XenFacil.com

    Anuncio XenForo 2.2.0 & Add-ons Released

    Today, after a refreshingly short beta and release candidate phase, we are excited to announce that XenForo 2.2.0 is now prepared, seasoned, baked and served, replacing XenForo 2.1.11 as our primary supported XenForo version. This release adds a collection of great new features to XenForo...
  3. XenFacil.com

    Anuncio XenForo & Add-ons 2.2.0 Release Candidate 2 Released (Unsupported)

    Today we continue the release candidate stage of XenForo 2.2 with Release Candidate 2. We recommend that all customers running previous 2.2 versions upgrade to this release. This release is similar to the previous betas, but indicates that we are now a step closer to the stable 2.2.0 release...
  4. XenFacil.com

    Anuncio XenForo & Add-ons 2.2.0 Release Candidate 1 Released (Unsupported)

    Today we're happy to announce the next step towards a stable and supported release of XenForo 2.2 by moving onto the "release candidate" stage. We recommend that all customers running previous 2.2 versions upgrade to this release. This release is similar to the previous betas, but indicates...
  5. XenFacil.com

    Noticia Writing before registering

    Participation. It's the life blood of a forum, and once you have a group of dedicated members creating and discussing content, your forum will flourish. But there's a barrier to entry when it comes to participation. When a new visitor stumbles upon your forum from a search engine, they may read...
  6. XenFacil.com

    Noticia Developer IDE and server software setup guides

    Here at XenForo, we like to keep our development environments up-to-date and as useful as possible, and from time to time we include some of our findings in our online documentation. Recently, we've published an easy setup guide for a Windows-based development environment and now we've added...
  7. XenFacil.com

    Noticia New video series: Building with XenForo 2

    A long time ago, in a forum not particularly far, far away (may the fourth be with you), we produced a series of videos showing off how easy it was to build rich pages with XenForo's templates and javascript framework. While many of the principles demonstrated in these videos remain a key part...
  8. XenFacil.com

    Noticia XenForo architecture in ten minutes

    With the publication of our Building with XenForo 2 video series, we've received various questions about a presenting broad overview of the XenForo architecture as a jumping-off point for would-be developers who want to know roughly what's going on behind the scenes. Therefore, with dubious...
  9. XenFacil.com

    Noticia User profile banners, Username changes, Security locking accounts and more!

    Welcome to the first of our "Have you seen...?" (HYS) series for XenForo 2.2! To ensure you're kept up to date with future threads, we strongly recommend clicking the "Watch forum" link here and enabling email notifications if you haven't done so already Over the course of the next few weeks...
  10. XenFacil.com

    Noticia Push notifications

    Welcome to the first of our "Have you seen...?" series for XenForo 2.1. We've got a lot to show you over the course of the next few weeks so you may well be hearing from us quite frequently... To ensure you're kept up to date, we strongly recommend clicking the "Watch forum" link here and...
  11. XenFacil.com

    Noticia Reactions

    Welcome to the third in our "Have you seen...?" series for XF 2.1. We've had a phenomenal, er, reaction, to what we've shown so far. In case you haven't seen our previous two entries, you can check them out here. As ever, to ensure you're kept up to date, we strongly recommend giving that...
  12. XenFacil.com

    Noticia GIPHY integration, image proxy bypass and audio uploads

    Have you been sitting there thinking "I just wish XenForo 2.2 had a little bit more awesome"? Yeah so did we. So here's a few extra features that we're introducing in XenForo 2.2 Beta 2. GIPHY integration Everybody loves GIFs, right? Well, maybe not everybody but personally we love them...
  13. XenFacil.com

    Noticia Search forums, SEO improvements and dev team news

    A new way to surface content Forums are usually devoted to a single subject matter and the threads they contain relate to that subject matter, unless it's all gone wrong and your users are wandering off topic. Threads belong to their parent forums, so if your board separates posts about kittens...
  14. XenFacil.com

    Noticia Resource Manager 2.2 - Teams, voting, custom fields...

    XenForo Resource Manager (XFRM) 2.2 sees a range of new features and improvements. Some of these are a result of new integrations with XenForo 2.2 itself, while others are exclusive new features to XFRM itself. Resource teams Software projects are often collaborative efforts, and even when they...
  15. XenFacil.com

    Noticia Progressive web app

    Mobile first. We hear it again and again, and with over half of all web traffic coming from mobile devices, it's more important than ever to provide your mobile visitors with a great experience. Of course, XenForo 2 is built on a fully responsive design that gracefully adapts to any display...
  16. XenFacil.com

    Noticia Forum and thread types

    Forums contain threads and threads contain posts. It's been the essential framework of forums on the Internet since the public migrated from usenet to the web. The structure is well known and well understood - though the origins of some of the terminology are lost in the mists of time. Who ever...
  17. XenFacil.com

    Noticia Enhanced Search 2.2 - Similar Threads

    In the beginning, XenForo Enhanced Search (XFES) was intended to be a simple drop-in replacement for MySQL full text search, primarily aimed at large forums whose operation would potentially suffer when attempting to search very large database tables. As a drop-in, XFES only made use of the...
  18. XenFacil.com

    Noticia Article thread and forum updates and improvements

    When we first announced support for article-type threads and forums, we noted that this was an initial foray and that revised styling was in the pipeline. Today, we can show you some of those revisions and the options that come with them. Revised article styling Firstly, we have some updates...
  19. XenFacil.com

    Noticia Activity summary email

    So you've got people to register on your forum and they've made their initial contribution, but once they've done that, how do you keep those members engaged and coming back to your forum? It's an age-old problem. A user registers, they may participate for a while if you're lucky, and then it's...
  20. XenFacil.com

    Noticia Assorted improvements

    We're fast approaching the time where we're able to unleash XenForo 2.2 on this very forum but, before we do, we wanted to tell you about a few slightly more miscellaneous features that we've been keeping under our hat. Advanced options switch The eagle-eyed amongst you may have already spotted...